TPS26750EVM: USBCPD and EVM Programming Failure

Part Number: TPS26750EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS25751


Greetings - 

I recently received the TPS26750EVM and have had minimal, boarding no, luck programming the micro on the EVM.

I have tried different USB-C cables, different browsers, baud rates, offline desktop app and different desktop systems no less than one hundred times, with one successful attempt. 

Given that it has worked once and the progress bar when attempting moves from 10% to 40%, to 70% then fails, its clearly communicating with the micro but for whatever reason it fails after 70%.

I only have one EVM as TI limits what one customer can purchase at at time and puts a 30 day waiting period between requests, so I'm unable to test another assembly.

Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Chris, 

    Can you try this procedure and see if the flashing sequence improves?

    1. Open the GUI and make sure the COM part is set to Texas Instruments, click 'OK' to close the Serial Port Configuration tab

    2. Right click on the GUI screen and click "Inspect" , this will pull up the DevTools page

    3. Navigate to the Console page

    4. With the console page still open, click on "Flash to Device" -> "Flash to device from current configuration". At this point there should be a log file happening on the console screen. 

    5. If the flashing is successful, you can then power cycle the TPS26750EVM to re-load the newly flash configuration and start evaluating. If the flashing still fails, please right-click on the console and click "Save As". Save the log file as a txt and attach to this e2e thread so I can take a look. 

    Let me know if you need further clarifications or questions on this procedure!

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond,

    The device enumerates as a COM port but as a generic device, not Texas Instruments.

    Attached is the console log.



  • Hi Chris, 

    When you connect TPS26750EVM to your PC, do you see the device show up in the COM port section of Device Manager? 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond - 

    Yes, it shows up as COM13.



  • Hi Chris,

    Raymond is looking into this and will get back to you with feedback next week. 

    Best Regards, 

    Aya Khedr

  • Hi Raymond - checking in on this. I saw another post regarding a similar issue with the TPS25751 from last year, which was also unresolved.



  • Hi Chris, 

    This has been a known issue, however we have not have success in re-creating the issue on our end with our laptop/machines. Can you try the following steps on TPS26750EVM and let us know the results? 

    1. Power off TPS26750EVM and remove J14 jumper

    2. With J14 jumper remove, power back on TPS26750EVM by attaching 15V-20V adapter to J3 USB-C port

    3. After TPS26750EVM is powered on, put back on J14 jumper 

    4. Connect J6 USB-C port to laptop with GUI and re-flash your configuration (try with and without terminal console open)

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond,

    I removed Jumper J14, then using an Anker Prime Charger connected to J3 at 19.8V negotiated, I reinstalled J14. I then connected J6 to my laptop. I tried this a few times; unfortunately, no change. 

    GUI console log is attached.


  • Internal Status: In-Progress - TI to provide analysis and response.

  • Hi Chris, 

    Where does the flashing failure usually occur? Is it near the end when the bar reaches 70% or does it usually fail right at the start? 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Yes, it is at 70% consistently.

  • Hi Chris, 

    There seems to be an issue with verifying after the config is loaded based on the logs you provided. In most cases, the config should be loaded successfully and you should still be able to use TPS26750EVM to evaluate your configuration. Let me know if you're able to verify the config you loaded is working as intended. 

    I'm working with our team to resolve this GUI bug, apologies for the inconvenience. We'll provide updates once we have more findings from this issue. 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • It appears it is being programmed as expected despite the GUI failure. Will let you know should I have further issues.

    Thank you for your help!


  • Hi Chris, 

    No problem and again apologies for the inconvenience. I will continue to keep this thread open until further updates on any GUI fixes. 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin