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Can you please help regarding the following BQ24105 and BQ24113 questions?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24105, BQ24113

Can you please provide assistance with these questions on a new design?

1)       We are interested in using the BQ24105 stand-alone 2-cell charger for our prototypes, and the BQ24113 for our production units.  We are wiring our board with enough options to make this change possible.

2)       Page 17 of the datasheet lists the STAT1 and STAT2 output options for what appears to be only the stand-alone parts.  Table 2 for instance is only for the stand-alone blinking LED parts.  Table 1 lists the STATx outputs for the other stand-alone parts.

3)       Yet page 6 shows that STAT2 is not available to the host controller parts.  How does the host detect all the status conditions?

4)       Tabe 2 on page 17 also mentions “battery over discharge” as one of the fault conditions that can be detected.  This isn’t listed in Table 1.  Is it detectable in all the other parts?


  • Host controlled part bq2411x only pull STAT1 pin low when it is charging.

    Host should take care all battery conditions, host only give two commands to bq2411x, one is  /CE pin enable or disable charge, one is CMODE pin, precharge or fast charge regardless battery voltage.

    However, if battery voltage is too low (< 2V/cell), it is considered as short circuit, so switching charge is stoped, it use 50mA linear charge instead.

    All precharge, fast charge and linear charge condition, STAT1 is low.

    There's no termination or rechage for host controlled part, because it always try to maintain a voltage (if enabled) even battery is fully charged or battery is removed.

    Because STAT2 only report charge done, for host controlled part, it does not have this function, so STAT2 pin is useless.

    Host must monitor battery itself or by gas gauge, then give correct command to bq2411x to charge properly.

    If battery is over discharge (<2V/cell), all parts automatically change to 50mA linear charge. LED blinking part will blinking for this status, other part no blinking, STAT1 is ON.

    If battery votlage is >2V/cell then following is the action of part.

    For standalone part, <3V/cell use prechage current, >3V/cell use fast charge current.

    For host control part,  CMODE low use precharge current, high use fast charge current, regardless voltage.