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BQ24072T EMC issue when charging

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24072T


We have developed a product with BQ24072T onboard. We are now in the phase for CE certification and without battery everything is OK. But when we insert a lithium polymer battery the noise floor and noise peaks rises in the sub giga hertz range. The base frequency seems to be 34.451 MHz and it rises about 10dBuV/m measuered 10 meters away. The limit is 30 dBuV/m. Without battery it goes down to 22dBuV/m.

I tried to read the documentation for this IC, but I could not find anything about internal clock inside it or how to solve it.

Any ideas why this happens and how to solve it?


Øystein Kristiansen

  • Hello,

    Could you provide a schematic of the system to understand what the surrounding factors might be?

    The fact that this a linear charger with a feedback loop that operates substantially below the frequency you are observing has me wondering if the addition of the battery is simply increasing the load upstream causing the increased noise.