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BQ2954 Input Voltage Range

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ2954

I am trying to determine whether a commercially designed battery charging product based on the BQ2954 is capable of operation using an input voltage other than that provided by the power supply provided.

The product currently uses a mains power supply at 12VDC +/- 0.5V and is designed to charge battery packs at max 1A.

The design is based closely on the circuit given in the datasheet and uses scaling resistors RB1=310K / RB2=100K

I have an application where I want to power the charger from a vehicle supply using a 24V-13.6V Voltage Converter which has a worst case output range of 13.6V +15/-20%  (10.88-15.64V).

I have carried out some basic tests substituting a bench power supply and varying the input voltage and found that although the circuit ceases to function below 11.2V (which I am not too worried about), the battery voltage was maintained within 0.1V for an increase in voltage to 16V.

I would be grateful for any advice on the factors that influence the line regulation that one might expect to achieve using a circuit such as the datasheet example.

In that example the input is marked as 8-24V +/- 10% - And the regulated battery voltage is stated at 4.2V - So one might assume that anywhere within this range is acceptable - So, in my application, would I be correct to believe that I can accommodate 12V-24? -  But what is the significance of the +/- 10%? - Does this mean it could be 12V - 10% to 24V +10%?

  • On reflection, possibly I didn't phrase this question quite as well as I might have done:

    I think maybe what I should have asked was:

    What is the min/max headroom that can be accommodated by the circuit shown as application example in the datasheet?

    I assume this is going to depend largely on the range of the pw modulator circuit and the spec of the FET in the main current path.

    I made some measurements on my (8.4V battery) circuit looking at pin 14 'MOD' and found that at 14V input, the mark/space ratio of this output was approx 50/50.

    I increased my input to 16V which is the maximum I could foresee being applied, and the m/s ratio was still changing nicely to this point and beyond.

    On the lower input voltage side, again the m/s ratio was changing nicely down to 11.2V when the circuit ceased to regulate (shut down/ MOD inhibited) - So I assume a minimum headroom of ~4V (which ties in with the min 8V stated on the datasheet application example.

    Also, my apologies: I mis-quoted the battery pack I am looking to charge as 8.3V - Should have been 8.4V.

    Anyway, from what I have seen, I am inclined to believe that my charger will run quite happily (and safely) on the DC supply available in the vehicle at worst case upper voltage limit of the converter.

    -And,  we may expect the charger to fail in the unlikely event that the input should fall to <11.2V - But it will do so in a safe and predictable manner, and the condition will be indicated by fault led on the unit.  

    I would however, be grateful for any advice.

    Best Regards,
