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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL317, LM317

Please check the attached schematic.

I like  to make sure the components are correctly selected.

The data sheet is not clear on calculation Cadj  (C0302 in schematic.)

can the ceramic caps be used for input and output caps?


LM317M circuit.pdf
  • Hello Stephen,

    Your circuit looks good except that you should be using the TL317 instead of the LM317.  Whenever I have used the "317" I have never been much concerned about noise - or I wouldn't be using the part - and so I have found that its operation is more than sufficient when not using the Cadj or the protection diode across the upper feedback resistor. 

    These parts are nearly unconditionally stable so I don't think you will have problems with your capacitor selection.  But if you do have a problem with ripple try removing some of the ceramics first or add a cheap aluminum electric.
