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TPS203X EN Doesn't Work; Device Always On

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2034

I have some TPS203X switches. Yesterday I made up 2 PCB's (Just basic SOIC to DIP converters) and put one TPS2034 on each. That's all that was on these boards, no extras. The SOIC package pins went DIRECTLY to the header pins.

Well the datasheet says these switches are enabled with a logic high to the EN pin. However, both switches were always on, no matter what the state of the EN pin was. I tried grounding EN, logic high and low from an MCU, but the results were the same; both of the TPS2034 switches exhibited the same results and were active no matter what the state of EN was.

Voltage was +5V, Current was only at 1A. My setup was EXACTLY like Figure 38 on Page 18, no deviations.