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I looking for 1cell Linear Charger and internal LDO type

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24060, BQ24032A, BQ24050

Hi Team 

I looking for  LiIon 1 cell charger with LDO including.

We found several  Charger  LDO internal type, For instance BQ24032A, BQ24060, BQ24050.

I have some simple question for some device spec.

【 Question 】

 I want to use  Charger internal LDO output by Battery supply only  when  No AC Power Input and No USB Power input .

Do you have recommend Liner Charger  TI device?

If nothing,  we thinking use external  LDO add to circuit with charger.

Thanks and Regard

Japan Disty   Jasper 



  • Hello Jasper,

    The internal LDO is powered by the AC or USB input only and is not powered by the battery. We do have the chargers that have separate output pin that you can connect to your load and the bat pin that you can connect to the battery. If I understand you correctly, then we have a few chargers that can be recommended to you. What is your output and charging current?

  • Hi  Wenjia 

    Thank you very much. 

    I understood and I will talk to Customer .

    Charge Current and almost 300mA  and LDO need about 10mA.

    Any way , other LTC has this linear Charger  LTC4063 with LDO by Battery. 

    Customer looking for same Charger.

    Thanks and Regard

    Japan Disty  Jasper  (  Sugimoto  )  

     *  See you deep dive again.  

  • See you soon!
