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TLC59208F Programming - MODE1 Register Low Power Mode


I hope someone can help with this software programing, I've been posting a few times but not getting any help :(

Having some problems with this chip.

I can do some things, such as read all the registers and I can set each of the pwm's and turn on LED 0 and LED1, no problem.

But, I am having some problems that I am not sure how to address.

1) I have several boards with these chips on them and some seem to work (turn on led) and others not.

For the ones that do not work, when I read the registers, I notice that I get a number like 157 (0x9D) returned in the 18th byte.

For the ones that do work ok, I get some number like 129 (0x81) in the 18th byte.

Even though returned in byte 18 and not byte 1, this number seems like it could be the mode1 register and if so, it would make sense because 0x9D would indicate Low Power Mode is set (ie bit 4 = 1).  Documentation seems to indicate mode 1 is in the first byte but I do not see that in my application.

I thought from the document that the low power mode by default would always come up as 0 but it seems some chips come up 0 and others are set to 1.  Is that possible???

It would be ok if I could reset it but I do not see any way to do that.  I have tried setting mode 1 according to the document (0x00 followed by 0x81 for example)

but also tried setting the 18th byte in case document is wrong (0x17 followed by 0x81) but that doesn't work either.

I also tried doing an all call to set all the registers but don't seem to be able to change that 18th byte so that it is not in sleep mode.

As mentioned, if the chip happens to come up with the 18th byte with bit 4 = 0 (ie 0x8F) then I am able to turn on the led's.  

Thanks!!  Please someone take a look and help!!


  • David,

    Is this issue happening directly from startup? Have you tried directly addressing one of the devices that are not working (not using auto-increment or all call)?

    We can try to break this down addressing a specific device and specific registers to determine if the device is set to the correct SW state first.
  • Harry,

    Thanks for looking at this -

    Yes, I have a hard reset button on my board which resets the 3 208F chips I have on the board.

    Then I tried to directly address one of them , just by reading the registers and I see 157 in the 18th byte.
    Note that I see 3 in the first byte which seems to indicate mode2, then I have 8 zero's which indicate each of the pwm.
    So, it seems to me that mode 0 is coming in byte 18 and not byte 0.

    But I cannot reset this byte. I am able to set other bytes such as pwm and led.

    Note that I am using the microsoft Spot hardware library to do I2C communication.
  • David, can you fill this out for me

    [Device0], [Address], [working/not working],
    [DeviceX], [Address]. [Working/not working].

    next I'll be asking the status of the mode 0 bit, and LED status bit.

    I'm more interested in mode0, but by doing a straight call to that specific register (address read -> 0). Your response is giving me the impression that you're still using the auto-increment. This is fine, but for debugging, let's only address single registers in order to isolate the root of the problem.
  • Ok Harry,

    [Device0],[46], [not working]
    [Device0],[47], [not working]
  • Thanks David,

    are the addresses in hex or decimal. Also does this include the R/W bit in it?

    for address 46 47 and 80, can you please read back address 00h (Mode 1), and 0Dh (LEDOUT0)?

    I'm going to work on the auto-increment implementation while I keep probing in this thread.
  • Harry,

    Yes, you are correct that I was using the auto-increment, it seemed like the only way I could read the registers when I started developing this.

    The addresses are in decimal.
    Note that address 46 or 0x2E as a 7bit addr if shifted 1 bit to the left corresponds with the address 0x5C as given on page 17.
    (NOTE that table 1 shows a 7bit slave addr which is then shifted and converted to hex, for example, the first entry gives the
    7bit slave addr 10000 = 16 = 0x10 is shown as addr 0x20 assuming it is shifted.
    (It is the 11th grouping of 3 addresses which is known to me as LED 11 as we use 3 addresses to create 1 LED).

    Using the Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware library, I create an I2CDevice configuration and then set up and I2CTransaction.

    Once I set up an address (tlc59208fDevice = new I2CDevice(46); for example.......

    I don't know if I'm individually setting (w/o auto-incr) this up to read correctly.
    For example, using I2Device, I do this in order to attempt to read mode1 (00h):

    xActions[0] = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x5D}; // addr 46 shifted becomes 0x5C, then set R/W bit = 1 to = 0x5D
    xActions[1] = I2CDevice.CreateReadTransaction(RawData); //just a buffer
    retVal = tlc59208fDevice.Execute(xActions, 500); // this executes the transaction and does the i2c behind the scenes, 500ms t/o.

    When I do this for 0x00 (mode1) I get:
    addr 46 = 29
    addr 47 = 31
    addr 80 = 1

    for 0x0D (LED0) I get:
    addr 46 = 93
    addr 47 = 95
    addr 80 = 161

    (none of those make sense to me.......)
    note that 93 = 0x5D which is just the value I had sent {0x0D, 0x5D} just 0x0D + shifted addr + r/w
    similiarly for addr 80, 161 = 0xA1 which was the sent val {0x0D, 0xA1}

    seems like I am not able to just read, I guess I'm doing something wrong.
    But as mentioned, if I read all registers {0x80, 0xA1} for example, I get back 18 bytes that seem to make sense for certain addresses......
  • Hi Harry,

    I reread through the Microsoft I2C stuff and it seems that if I just send the register (1 byte), it knows to set the R/W bit.
    So, I reran my program and this time only send 1 byte
    xActions[0] = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(new byte[] { 0x00}; //
    xActions[1] = I2CDevice.CreateReadTransaction(RawData); //just a buffer
    I think maybe this is reading now as I first tried with 0x01 and got a 0x03 which seems to make sense (mode 2 = 3 by default).
    When I do this, I get the same values for each address:

    0x00 (mode 1)
    addr 46, 47 and 80 all = 17 (0x11)
    0x0D (led0)
    addr 46, 47 and 80 all = 0 (0x00)

  • Harry,

    seems like I'm able to get it to work now. (all the addresses can turn on the leds)....
    I think the key was to read and set individually instead of using the auto-increment.

    I still don't know what that 18th byte is from reading all the registers but guess it doesn't matter at this point.
    It does seem that when reading all registers, things come in shifted by one byte (ie byte 0 = mode 2 and not mode 1).

    It looks like all the addresses come up with mode 1 set to 0x11 which means low power.
    I can set them now individually to Normal mode.

    I'm not sure why some addresses were turning on the led's as it seems all come up in low power mode but it must have
    had something to do with either all call or auto-increment as now they behave as expected.

    thanks for your help - I think this one is solved.
  • David,

    Sorry for the delay, but I'm glad that the individual addressing helped. For me I don't use Microsoft to control my I2C, but you've confirmed that the individual registers are functional. If you run into any other questions, feel free to let me know.