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TPS61026 behaivior in output short situation

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61062, TPS61026

 Hello guys,

 One of my customer wants to use TPS61062 for their products.

 They have a question about this device behaivior in output short situation.

 Is the device switching stopped and output current cut off by internal output switch when the device output is shrted to GND with very low resistance like 1 ohm or more less?

 Also when will the device start to generate output voltage after the output short is released?

 Your reply would be appreciated.

 Thank you and best regards,

 Kazuya Nakai.




  • you are asking TPS61026, not TPS61062, right?
    the TPS61026 should have short circuit protection. but as the datasheet doesn't make it clearly, i need to double confirm with EVM.
    before my test, i need to know customer's requirement. I like to suggest new device for customer if possible. because TPS6102x is very old device, it is hard to support customer if they require detail information.
  • Hello Jasper,

    Thank you for your reply

    The device is TPS61026.

    The customer has already been evaluating it on their own PCB.

    So I can not recommend any new device though I can understood what you said.

    Could you please test TSP61026 and please tell me the result?

    Thank you again and best regards,
    Kazuya Nakai.
  • based on the bench test, the short circuit protection of this device is good. the device stop switching and no high inductor inrush current happen.
    during short circuit period, the output current of the device can be found figure 21 "the pre-charge and short circuit current". when the short circuit release, the COUT start to be charged, then the device switching.
  • Hello Jasper,

    Thank you very much for your confirming.

    I will tell the function in output short condition to our customer.

    Thank you again and best regards,
    Kazuya Nakai.