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UCC28221 Frequency selection and gate driver

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28221, UCC27211, UCC27210, LM5015

Hello Sir,

I need to design 5V/120A SMPS with 2 transistor forward converter.

I worked with 65K till now so not sure to work with 200Khz frequency.

So can I work with 100Khz with UCC28221.

And I need Driver ICs for both the MOSFETS high side and low side So is their any gate driver IC for forward converter.

I have search but it shows half bridge gate driver UCC27211 will it work for 2-transistor topology also.

Please suggest solution.

  • Mahesh,
    I've contacted the appropriate product group to look into your questions. you should see a reply from them soon.
  • Ok

    Thank you very much Sir for replying.

    I am just worried about high frequency losses, loop compensation complication and artwork complications.

    If this IC will work under or equel to 100Khz then I dont have an issue.

  • Hi Mahesh,

    To answer two questions you had,

    1. UCC28221 features a 2MHz capable oscillator. It should be able to handle 100kHz switching frequency.

    2. Yes, UCC27211 works for half-bridge configuration. I've looked into it and it should also work for two-switch forward configuration. When the two switches are off while the diodes on the primary conduct, the source terminal of the high-side MOSFET is pulled to ground so that the bootstrap cap can be charged. It is similar to half-bridge configuration in this sense. But note that UCC27211 works with TTL inputs while UCC27210 is compatible with CMOS inputs.

    Another option for the two-switch forward topology that TI offers is LM5015 which features integrated FETs. You might also want to look into it.

    Let me know if you have further questions.



  • Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.

    I will go ahead with design now.