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PoE Midspan Injector vs Adapter

What is the difference between a POE Adapter and POE Midspan Injector? Are both the same?

  • Hi Gaayathri,

    Sometimes a PoE PD will have an adapter input in which a wall adapter can be connected to it to power the PD rather than powering through PoE. But this called "adapter" or "wall adapter".

    I seldom hear the terminology "PoE adapter" but looking up "PoE adapter" online yielded many midspan injectors so perhaps they are used interchangeably by some.
  • Hi Darwin,

    Thanks for the response.

    Then can you pls let me know if the below 2 datasheets are for the similar products, the difference being only in their power ranges?

    Since one is an injector and the other is an adapter



  • Hi Gaayathri,

    From these two datasheets, we can see that they apply same function for different power ranges.

    They use different terminologies to indicate an injector, either PoE Midspan or PoE Adapter.

    There is no clarified  statement to explain which one is correct; however, their application are the same as shown in Fig. 1  A.

    Otherwise, there is another device is PoE Splitter. In Fig.1 B, we can use a PoE injecter to connect with a PoE Splitter for powering an non-PoE device.
