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Charging of BQ25070

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25070

Dear, All

There is a question about the charging method of BQ25070.
About Figure.13 of a data sheet on page 10.
Looking at Figure.13 and after full charge looks like a trickle charge.
Is this correct?
If this is correct, there are the following questions.
In normal lithium-ion battery considered a trickle charge is not used.
Whether there is no problem to use a trickle charge the battery of LiFePO4?
It is the other question.
After full-charging, the when the voltage of the battery is lowered.
Whether the battery voltage may be considered to perform recharging after reaching the voltage of Vrch?

Thanks, Masami M.

  • the bq25070 is LiFePO4 charger. The LiFePO4 has is much more stable than regular Li-ion battery chemistry. The charge topology of those two different chemistry is different.

    When charging a battery in precharge or fastcharge mode, the CHG output is pulled to GND. Once the BAT output reaches the overcharge voltage threshold, CHG goes high impedance to signal the battery is fully charged. . When the battery voltage drops below the recharge voltage threshold the CHG output is pulled low to signal the host of a new charge cycle.
  • Hi, Jing Zou-san,

    Thank you very much for your reply.
    I answer it to the customer.

    Thanks, Masami M.