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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA117, BQ2970


My customer is having problems with the part BQ29700DSET protecting Panasonic NCR18650B:

In their application, there are up to 4 cells in series as shown in the attached, on a PCB.  There are two differences between TI's datasheet schematic and their application:

1)      use of IRLR3110 N-MOS parts instead of CSD16406, chosen for the fab technology and the Rds:

2)      Use of INA117 as shown on page 13 of the datasheet, directly across cell terminals

Most boards seem to work initially when they run the string through initial over-voltage, under-voltage, and short-circuit tests, but several have failed after working for some time.  A few circuits have failed such that Vbat and Vss are shorted or reduced to ~30-Ohm resistance, so that the cell begins to drain through the 330-Ohm resistor.  On other failed circuits they’ve measured out-of-spec pull-up resistance between V- and VBAT, either too low or too high.  On many of the failed circuits, it looks like the chip is stuck in an over-current protection mode, because there is ~Vcell from source-to-source of the MOSFETs, however shorting the sources together doesn’t reset the chip.  Usually, failed circuits won’t charge but may discharge.

They have a few of the EVMs for the BQ29700DSET part on hand, and they've hooked them up in series and thoroughly tested the string terminals for under-voltage, over-voltage, and short-circuit without any failure.  They like to know if there are some specific measurements that would be helpful and they are suspicious that the FETs are causing problems.  Please advise.



  • PACK +/Pck- = ~ 16V.( MAX 24V) ? each cell ~ 4V
    (1) if the TURN-OFF of DSG is suspected, with any one of the cell, create a OV condition, DSG should go High to Low. then create a recovery by brining { V-} < ( VBAT-1V). Check if there is oscillation of the DOUT and/or COUT
    (2) check, if the FTE S/G is being shorted ? These are 100V Vds. there is no voltage across PACK- and BAT can have this voltage.
    (3) if the top cell shorts via the CAO to zero, PACK ( V-->0) ; the voltage across the cell -4V. VSS -> -4V. then there is a possibility of the bq2970 getting damaged.