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TSP5435X MOSFET selection

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54352, TPS54356


We're working with the TPS54356 (12V to 3.3V@3A) and the TPS54352 (12V to 1.2V@2.3A). I understand the EVM calls for the Si4888DY FET but I wanted to know if there would be any repercussions to using the Si4090DY (100VDS , higher drain current and Rdson). I know that the higher Rdson will lead to more power dissipation but is there any other reason this Si4090 FET would be problematic with either the TPS54352 or TPS54356? I realize this is more of a MOSFET question but they sort of correspond so I wanted to throw it out there anyways.

Thanks for your time,
