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BQ40Z50-R1: BQ40Z50-R1 into ROM mode without any command

Part Number: BQ40Z50-R1


My customer usse BQ40Z50-R1 to desig battery pack.

They found the BQ40Z50-R1 already in ROM mode before any parameters update.

Is there any way cause BQ40Z50-R1 into ROM automatic?

  • Hi Arking,

    Is this a 2S, 3S or 4S battery pack? Can you provide more details on the battery pack voltage? 

    It's possible for the enter "ROM mode" if the checksum stored doesn't match the checksum calculated after a reset. Do the following:

    1. Send command 0x08 to execute FW
    2. Check that the bq40z50-R1 FW is executing
    3. Send command 0x61 to read Lifetime block 2
    4. Check if there were resets and post your results. 

    13.1.47 ManufacturerAccess() 0x0061 Lifetime Data Block 2 This command returns the Lifetime Data with the following format: AABBCCDDEEFFGGHH.

    Value Description

    AA No. of Shutdowns

    BB No. of Partial Resets

    CC No. of Full Resets

    DD No. of WDT resets