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BQ20Z65-R1: PF Key for clearing Permanent Failure

Part Number: BQ20Z65-R1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ20Z60-R1


Although the part is in Full Access mode, I can't clear the PF flags unless I have the PF Key (two words). Can anyone provide me with this "hidden" key? Looks like there is kind of a secret, same kind as for the Unseal/full Access key...



  • Hi, Matthieu.

    Please read section below copied from its TRM:

    B.18 PFKey (0x62)

    This read- or write-block command allows the user to change the Permanent Failure Clear key. This function is only available when the bq20z60-R1/bq20z65-R1 is in the full-access mode, indicated by a cleared [FAS] flag.

    The order of the bytes, when entered in ManufacturerAccess, is the reverse of what is written to or read from the part. For example, if the first and second words of the PFKey block-read return 0x1234 and 0x5678, then in ManufacturerAccess, 0x3412 and 0x7856 should be entered to clear a permanent failure.



  • Hello Phil,
    Thank you for your help. I found the default PF key to be 7326 and 1217 (little Endian), but unfortunately the gauge is locked in sealed mode, and the pack assembler has changed the Unseal and Full Access passwords.
    So this battery is going straight into the recyclable trashbin.
    Best regards.
  •   If so, only the pack assembler can re-access the pack. 

