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BQ24022: STAT1/2 Pins not setting

Part Number: BQ24022

I am trying to test the BQ24022 charging IC and checking the operation flow chart I am quite certain that the requirements have all been met for the IC to begin charging from a USB input but I am not seeing a rise on the STAT1/2 pins. Sometimes I see a very small ~0.1V rise but that is it. 

Is it necessary to place pull-ups on these lines? Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?


  • Hello Johan,

    Would you be able to provide a schematic?

    Info on Vin,Vout,Iin,Iout would also be helpful.

  • Hello Johan,

    Where are you probing these voltages and currents?

    There is no need to pull the Stat Pins up.

    You could be stuck in the Timer fault or sleep mode.

    This can be caused by incorrect voltage and current readings. 

    Try adding your switch and fuse the the front of the charger and connecting the charger directly to the battery.

