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TPS65185EVM: TPS65185EVM interfacing with MCU board

Part Number: TPS65185EVM

Dear Manager,

I have to interface TPS65185EVM with my MCU/MPU board instead of USB to computer.

Please guide me where do I connect Input pins to TPS65185EVM.



  • Hello Tanveer,
    Please see schematics in user-guide ( bottom left:
    I2C-interface pins are SCL on Pin 9 and SDA on Pin 10 of the USB-connector J4. You'll also need power VIO with a 3.3V-supply (Pin 5) to GND (Pin 6) of J4.
    The other GPIOs (Wakeup, VCOM_CTRL and PWRUP) can be either controlled by Jumpers JP1 through JP3 or Pins 1 through 3 on J4. You must remove the jumpers if driving them through J4.
    Best regards,