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BQ24092: Battery Charging functionality doubts

Part Number: BQ24092

Hi, I have to use one cheap battery charger IC for my new project to charge a 500mah battery. I want features like DPPM and battery charge done or charging indication and temperature monitor etc.

After searching, I found IC BQ24092 which has all the above specified features, but here my problems are, when I went through it's datasheet I read it supports Input voltage dynamic power management, is DPM and DPPM same? and why even though it have all the features it's price is less compared to the ICs like BQ24032? and from webench designs I found that the efficiency is 70% for the BQ24092 but it's 90% for BQ24032, so with that 20% difference in efficiency what differences we can notice in the operation in both the ICs. 

Thanks in advance.



  • The bq2403X family of devices will have a battery charger output + system load output, power path device (also 3.3V LDO). This type of device will manage the current going to the system and to battery. Priority is placed on the system and when needed current to battery is reduced or current drawn from the battery. This feature is DPPM (Dynamic Power Path Management) and used on many power path devices.
    The bq2409X family of devices will only have a battery charger output, non power path. The system load can be connected to the battery. This device will monitor input voltage and if it falls below a 4.4V DPM (Dynamic Power Management) will reduce charging current to keep voltage from dropping further.

    Webench showing different efficiency, both devices are linear chargers and will have comparable efficiency.