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TINA/Spice/CSD87355Q5D: MOSFET Power Loss Calculator vs. SPICE

Part Number: CSD87355Q5D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI,

Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models


for a project I am trying to calculate switching losses in MOSFETs for different currents and frequencies. 

As a test object I have chosen the part CSD87355Q5D. My first goal was to analytically calculate ( losses and compare them with the results given from the online tool "MOSFET Power Loss Calculator". This works fine.

Afterwards I wanted to build the same model in SPICE to compare the results to the calculated results (it is not really necessary, however, it's always good to cross-check). Unfortunately, the simulated losses do not correspond with the calculated losses.


MOSFET Power Loss Calculator:

SPICE Model (loss results from dissipated power W):

Does anyone has a clue if I am doing something wrong or is the SPICE Model not working properly?

Since I am rather new to this field, it might also be a strange question. Maybe it is simply not possible to do it like this? 

Anyway, I would be happy about any help. 

