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BQ24765: Thermal Pad Soldering

Part Number: BQ24765

I have a design using the bq24765 charge controller.  My question is related to the use of the thermal pad.  I used the recommended four layer board with a large number of small feedthroughs to all layers under the thermal pad.  It works fine but I am concerned with the reliability of the soldering at the pad.  I read the ap note relating to the pad and it states that you should ex ray your board to make sure you have at least 50% coverage at the pad to the board.  That does not seem practical to me.

It would seem like if I used 2 or 3 large plated through holes rather than 12 small ones at the thermal pad area, after assembly, I could simply turn the board over and fill those holes with solder thus ensuring a 50% + coverage.  Even more extreme, I could put a plated through rectangle opening a little smaller than the thermal pad under the part and fill that with solder.  I know the thermal properties of copper are better than solder but it would seem I would be offsetting that by eliminating the even worse thermal properties of the circuit board material.

What is wrong with this theory?
