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TPS702: Regarding Heat Sink Provision

Part Number: TPS702

Hello sir/mam,

I'm using TPS70301PWPR as LDO in my project.

Vin for LDO is 5Volts, 400mA.

Vout1 is around 3.3/200mA.

Vout2 is  around 1.8V/150mA

Is thermal pad required for this application?

And if yes what is the dimensions and how to mount it?

Please help.

  • Hi Suraj,

    The thermal pad (PowerPAD) is built into the under side of the package.  For TPS702 the thermal pad should be connected to the same GND plane as the GND pin (pin 8).  As with any LDO, you will want to maximize the GND plane in order to maximize thermal performance.  The GND plane is the primary heatsink for the LDO as it dissipates power.

    The THERMAL PAD MECHANICAL DATA is appended to the end of the datasheet and includes the dimensions of the thermal pad.

    Very Respectfully,


  • Thanks Ryan for reply..

    Can you just check the way I connected thermal pad of LDO to GND plane on my PCB.

  • Hi Suraj,

    The above layout does not appear to be following the pinout of the device.  It looks like you are tying Vin2 to GND (pins 8 and 9) and leaving the other Vin2 (pin 10) tied to another net.  

    Very Respectfully,
