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Hi Sir,
could you please confirm the MAC command to get chemical ID is correct or not? since the chemical ID is different from what vendor provided. thank you.
Best regards,
Langston Chang
Hi Langston,
You have to use the ManufacturerBlockAccess() command:
1. Write 0x0006 to 0x44: 0x44 [06 00]
2. Read 0x44: First word will be the command (0x0006) the second word will have the chemID (eg [10 12] = chemID 1210)
Here is a screen shot from bqstudio that returns the default chemID of 1210:
Hi Swami,
Something not understand. For writing command, the target address should be 16, why it's 17 in your transaction log?
do you see my I2C sequential commands flow (in attachment) between MCU and BQ40Z50? your transaction did not show the byte-to-byte sequence which might hide some details related my problem. could you please check if the byte sequence is correct or not in my case.
may thanks for your help.
best regards,
Hi Langston,
Here is a Beagle capture when I send the command so you can see the byte-by-byte transaction.
The only difference is that bqStudio uses PEC so the it has one extra byte. This is not required.
The 7-bit address is 0x0B and the reason that you see 0x16 or 0x17 in the 8-bit format is because in the 8-bit format the LSB is the Read/Write bit.
Also, the following application note might be useful in your case: