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USB2GPIO-LOADER-SW: Cannot find Firmware

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ77910A, BQ77908A

I got the loader SW installed, but cannot find a newer firmware anywhere.

Can someone post a link here please?

I have 1.0.10 and need at least 2.0.19 according to BQ77908 configuration tool.


  • Hi Jonas,
    By default the SW installer puts files in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\USB-TO-GPIO Firmware Loader\Firmware directory. The executable is located one directory higher. If your installation or operating system put the installed files elsewhere, please check for the files. As shown in the readme the file name is usb_bms_v2.0.19.bin
  • Hi, ok found it. I really did not understand that they were already on my computer. Thanks for clarifying that. Now the SW cannot find the USB-TO-GPIO device anymore. So I did not get it working.
  • Hi Jonas,
    Glad you found the software. I don't know why the tool can't find the USB-TO-GPIO now. Of course check that the green light comes on, unplug and plug the cable, check for damage. Reboot the computer.
    If you have subsequently used the USB-TO-GPIO for other EVM software it could be that the other EVM software programmed the USB-TO-GPIO to a unique configuration which is not identifiable to the USB-TO-GPIO-Firmware Loader software. The USB2GPIO-LOADER-SW was designed to load the required firmware and allow the re-installation of the default, so both files are provided. Other EVM softwares may give the adapter a one-way update.
    If a re-boot and re-connection of the adapter does not let the USB-TO-GPIO-Firmware Loader software find the adapter, I expect replacement is necessary.
  • Hi,
    Got a new USBtoGPIO adapter, cost is pretty high I must say.
    It is also a bit strange if some of TIs firmware is one-way only. Kind of means that the adapter is not very universal then anymore :(
    Now the new adapter anyway has the usb_bms_v2.0.19.bin loaded and the bq77908 application can find it, but not the chip!
    Have tried rebooting and reconnecting, application just says cannot find bq77908.
    I have the BQ77910, but I cannot select it in the application. Most buttons and options are gray.
    I was thinking if there is a way or need to force it to 77910, but I could not locate any configuration file in ASCII at least.
  • Hi Jonas,
    The USB2GPIO-Loader-SW should be able to put the adapter back to the original configuration if desired if the firmware was saved or the 1.0.10 provided is desired. I don't know why the original adapter was corrupted. Be sure to keep power on (the cable plugged in) during any update.

    To talk to the bq77910A or bq77908A the part must have the ZEDE high. On the TI EVM a 100k pull down was used which could be overridden by the weak drive of the adapter. If your pull down is more substantial you may need to connect ZEDE high instead of to the adapter. Of course be sure the signal lines are connected to SDA & SCL and have a pull up, checking for proper signaling with an oscilloscope may be helpful.
    The EEPROM areas are the same between the bq77908A and bq77910A. The selection of bq77908A in the software is an aid to the user to avoid configurations which are not valid for the bq77908A.
  • Hi,
    Thanks for some good info again.
    ZEDE had a 1k pulldown resistor on this board so I replaced it with a 100k.
    SCLK and DATA have some high ohm pulldowns too for some reason. In the Evaluation Module Schematic there are 1M pulldowns, but no pullup.

    With the scope I find nothing on SCLK and DATA, and strangely enough -1V on ZEDE regardless of if pulldown is 1k or 100k.

    I think I have connected everything right. 14V where it should be and GPIO pin 4 to ZEDE, pin 9 to SCLK and pin 10 to DATA.

    Does this thing need to be powered with something else than the 14V programming voltage to be programmed?
    I am a bit low on ideas here :)

    Have a nice weekend :)
  • Hi Jonas,
    The common implementation with bq77910A is with low side FETs. If the adapter is referenced to PACK- and the part is protected voltages may be negative. The adapter signals will likely clamp about a diode drop below its reference, perhaps that is the -1V. Be sure the adapter is referenced or "grounded" to the VSS of the bq77910A.
    To talk the part you will need a voltage for the "battery". If you have cells connected you would have power. With a power supply about 6V for the battery+ you may not need to simulate cells, but for higher voltages and normal operation resistor dividers can be used to simulate cells. The USB powers the adapter through the PC.
    To program you will also need 14V. In a test situation you can use the same 14V to operate both the programming supply and battery+ with simulated cells.

    While the EVM is not available its documentation may be a useful reference, see if you have not already found it or the one for the bq77908A.