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LM3485: LM3485: frequency switching problem

Part Number: LM3485

I have a problem with LM3485 switching frequency. I made simulations in WEBENCH, in LTspice and everthing was ok - frequency was about 409 kHz. So I've designed custom board with LM3485 buck DC/DC converter 24 V - 5 V (max 2 A) I took parameters of components from my simulations (schematic form WEBENCH in attachments).

What I've got?:
Output voltage is 5 V, but switching frequency is about 4 MHz when I have Cff on PCB, and 1.3 MHz after I removed Cff! So temperature of transistor was very high (very poor efficeincy) when I reduced impedance of load and I must replaced PFET twice during tests.

I am attaching screens from my scope (without Cff and load was 430 Ohms) and schematic from WEBENCH (is the same on my PCB).

  • User,

    Please label the scope shots. I'd like to be sure I know what I'm looking at.

    Please also share the layout as well as the part numbers for the FET and diode.



  • Oh I see the scope shots are just different time scales. Please send scope shots for a 2A load with and without CFF. Please also put VIN and VOUT on the other channels.

  • Dear Samuel,

    Sorry for unclear description. Yes, there are 3 different time scales on screens, in order: 500 ns, 5 us and 500 us per div and this is PGATE output.

    I've tried with three different transistors: STN3P6F6 (default), FDT458P (on screens), and with bigger one IRF9530PBF (I had it on my desk) - result is the same in all cases, frequency is too high. Diode is B540C-13-F. Output capacitors: 6SVPC120MV (ESR = 21 mOhms) and I also tried with EEU-FM1V471 (ESR = 19 mOhms)

    I can't send screens for 2 A load, because transistor would break down before I will make screen shots. I have simulations in WEBENCH and in LTspice, both are similar - it should be 409 kHz frequency on PGATE. It is also equation (equation 4, page 11) in datasheet and calculated frequency is about 409 kHz.

  • Pawel,

    In that case I will need to see your layout. Please share and I'll take a look.

  • Sam,
    This is part of my PCB, only parts from attached schema are assembled.



  • Pawel,

    Thanks for sharing the schematic and layout.

    I believe this is an issue with excessive FB ripple caused by the layout. The FB components (C15, R21, R22) connect to VOUT on a large plane far from the output capacitor. I believe this noise is triggering the 10mV hysteretic comparator at every transient causing an immediate toggle of the SW node. To test this I recommend scraping off a bit of solder mask near the connection point of the FB trace to FB plane and adding a 1uF ceramic cap (see below).

  • Sam,

    Unfortunately it didn't help. I've added this capacitor and I've tried to solder capacitors in different places on my PCB but switching frequency is still the same.

    I think that the next step is to move this circuit to universal board.
  • Pawel,

    I think you are right. Here's the link to the EVM.


  • Sam,

    I have some additional thought - on TI eval board for LM3485 it is also long trace from output to FB, without any additional capacitor. Are you sure that it works properly?



  • Pawel,

    The FB trace on the demo board connects to the VOUT plane very close to the output capacitor C2. C2 will be a quieter place to connect a FB trace.

    If you're having doubts, test the demo board before you start swapping components to your BOM. That's a good test to do anyway in any situation. Let me know how the test goes.
