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LM2703: LED backlight application: output current Iled is too small than resister setted

Part Number: LM2703


My LEDs is 17-19V@70mA ,when I set R1//R2=18Ω,Vout=14.51V,but Iled =17.28mA, FB and SW waveform is show at below ; Qustion 1: so why Iled is not correct ?  and it is not just support output 17mA even if caused by current limited.

when I set R=36Ω,Iled=34.41mA, it seems is correct.

Qustion 2: is LM2703's Toff time is 400ns descripped in datasheet ? but from SW wavefrom shows it is not 400ns 

expect your reply,thanks