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BQ24090: BQ24090

Part Number: BQ24090

Goodmorning, I am using the BQ24090 and I know that it has 2 pins for status: PG and CHG and the fucncion of them are very clear.

But is it possible to match some information about a failure of charging the battery in order the detect a battery damaged?

For Example: Vin is 5V (PG) and the BQ24090 start charging the battery (CHG) -> when the pin CHG change status then the BQ24090 stop charging -> I can check if the Vin is always 5V and I measure the level of battery -> if battery is fully charged the battery is good but if the level is not good the battery could be damaged.

Is it a good solution in order to detect a battery damaged or I loose some details of informations? For sure I can't estimate the battery life but only if the battery is damaged.

Or for this function do you suggest another IC from TI?

Thank you for support.

Best Regards.
