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L293: Electrical Isolation Provided by L293

Part Number: L293
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC21222


I am designing a DC motor shield using the L293 and am wondering how much electrical isolation it provides, if any, between the MCU and the motor.

Also, are there any recommended methods of isolation, for example using optocouplers. I did not see any in the example designs using isolation methods in the datasheet.



  • Marion,

    I am not sure I understand your question. L293 is not an isolation part. The input source, MCU and motor shares the same ground.

    Typically, the isolation boundary is on the input signal side. So, we can deal with few low voltage/current signals and those signals are not so critical about the timing, dead time, current capability… For example: isolate at USB control signal input: ADuM4160...
    If you have to isolate at switching FET stage, please check UCC21222... BTW, I didn't use UCC21222 before.