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PTH08T210W: Triming the output voltage

Part Number: PTH08T210W

Hi,  What is the best way to trim the output voltage(1.0V)  by +/-5% ?   Can the Vo_adj accept voltage source override, with what drive strength?  



  • Hello Meng,

    Using the Vo_adj may be one option. Let me check with the team what the internal schematic looks like.

  • Hello Meng, 

    Here are the details on the internal (on the module) feedback resistors:

    You can use ADJ terminal to adjust the output voltage. You could switch in different R values or use a DAC to inject current into the ADJ pin to shift Vout. 


  • Hello Denislav, 

    Thank you very much.  It seems  it would be easier to switch the Rset value to trim the Vo.


  • Hi Denislav,

    I thought about the switching Rset method for trimming the Vo. I can see that there will be discontiunity (break-before-make) during the Rset swithing. Would you know how sensitivty the Vo to the Rset switching discontiunity if trimming the Vo from 1.0V (63.7k) to 0.97V (Rset=71.5K), and then 0.95V (77.79k)?



  • Hi Meng,

    I think it would be good to always have a resistor connected for one Vout value and achieve the trimming by switching in parallel combinations. That way you won't risk having an open circuit on the pin and Vout defaulting to Vref.

    For example, you could have a default resistor always installed for the lowest voltage (0.95V) and switch in large resistors in parallel so that you get a parallel combinations resulting in 0.97V and 1V out.
    If the switches are open, then you will get a default of 0.95V always.

    Let me know if this makes sense.
