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TPS56C215: TPS56C215

Part Number: TPS56C215

We met a problem with TPS56C215  that regulated 1V.

The target from the circuit is to supply 12A with current spike, the max allow noise is 60mV and in scope plot it’s 79mV (over the spec).

We need your help ASAP, please

  • Hi,

    So your spec is the noise on Vout should be within 60mV, including both ripple and under/overshoot when doing load transient, right?
    First of all, please make it sure that you are measuring the Vout with proper way. GND of the probe should be connected to be smallest loop area, or it can pick up high frequency noise into your oscilloscope.
    You may refer to the link below,

    Secondly, judging from your waveform, are you doing something like load transient test? If so, could you tell me your load setting? I mean, some settings like 2A-10A, 2.5A/us.
    Then the spike might be under/overshoot. We will need to optimize the loop response to achieve better transient performance. Actually, there is so much output capacitance on the schematic. There is definitely no help to improve the load trans performance.

  • Right, include both ripple and under/overshoot.
    The measure made with differential probe, very small loop.
    Load setting: 4 A to 12 A to 4 A transient with 1 µs slew
    rate (8A / µs).
  • Hi,

    OK, got it. Basically you will need a faster loop response.
    Can you do the measurement again with the probe method I metioned? I'd like to know how much improvement we need to meet your requirement.

  • Hi,

    first of all, thanks for your support.
    the link you mention in the previous comment not working.

  • Hi Niv,

    Yes, I understand there is gap between current performance and your requirement. I just want to know how much improvement we need.
    Please give me some time to look into how to improve the transient performance. Is it possible to measure the bode plot in your side?
