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BQ24130: I2C control using digital potentiometers

Part Number: BQ24130
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPL0102-100, , BQ24765, BQ24640


I would like to verify if BQ24130 can be digitally controlled using digital potentiometer like TPL0102-100.

  • Hi Emmanuel,

    The host/I2C controllable aspects of the BQ24130 were intended to be Q3/Q4/Q6 turn on/off, CMOD high/low and ISET1 pull down for disable.  If your question is whether the ISET1 and/or ISET2 resistors can be replaced with digital potentiometers, then yes, in theory, potentiometers should work to dynamically change the precharge/charge current, however, we have not tested such a configuration.



  • Hi Jeff,

    No I intend to have the charge and pre-charge current fixed and Dynamically change voltage by placing the digital potentiometer to the BAT pin as feedback. I would like to verify also what digital potentiometer bandwidth is need to accomplish this.



  • Hi Emman,

    In theory, using a potentiometer as a feedback resistor should work as well but we have not tested.  I am not familiar with "bandwidth" as a pot spec.  Is that referring to how fast you can change the pot's resistance?  If so, I would suggest not changing any faster than the loop response which is ~1ms.



  • Hi Jeff,

    I would like to verify also if I will have problems charging supercapacitors with BQ24765



  • Emman,

    A LiIon battery charger can successfully charge supercapacitors, assuming the BATREG voltage can be adjusted to the match the supercapacitor voltage.  However, most battery chargers have either a short-circuit voltage or pre-charge voltage threshold or both.  Below the voltage thresholds the charge current is significantly reduced. This results in very long charge times.  The standalone BQ24640, modified for super cap charger, skips precharge.



  • Hi Emman,

    I haven't heard from you in a while so I am going to close this thread.  You will have a few days from now to continue to post but in a week or so this thread will lock.  After that you will need to post a new thread for additional questions.

