Dear colleague,
Our customer encountered a UC3825 issue:
When 2Pin voltage exceed 7Pin(Ramp)+1.25V(Internal), PWM output will change, just output A has output or output B has output.
Waveform as below:
Yellow: OUTA output waveform
Blue: sawtooth voltage waveform of 7 Pin(maximum amplitude is 1.04v)
Purple: 2-pin input voltage waveform (2.4v)
The configuration of 3825 is: external clock input, clock frequency 150K, clock pulse width 1uS.
The internal error amplifier is made into a follower: 1Pin and 3Pin short connection, 2Pin is given an input signal.
Do you need any other materials, please let me know.
Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
Rock Su