The PTR08060W is drawing 50mA with no load, a 1mA resistive load, and 0.5A load. The input voltage is 10.8V and output set to 5V. A 100uF electrolytic capacitor is on the input and 100uF electrolytic is on the output. The resistor is set for a 5V output as per the datasheet.
The same behavior is seen across multiple devices. The datasheet makes no mention of quiescent current. .
Is the normal behavior?
We have some high loads of up to 1A to 1.2A for 1 minute or so, otherwise the DCDC is meant to supply a load load of ~1mA. since we are running off a battery. A 50mA overhead when in sleep mode will make this useless for battery power applications with a low duty cycle.