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TPS51220A-Q1: Regardign of Vfb signal, local voltage sense question

Part Number: TPS51220A-Q1

Hi TI,

Regarding of TPS51220A feedback point(VFB) , datasheet figure 51 from Cout trace connection to R1 is normal routing layout guide.
The mode is local voltage sense, if it's connection mode from R1 point change to end device (remote device), Whether it's think of as a remote sense mode?

*Co is remote cap (close to end device); R1 is local part.
step1 : cut the local sensing trace of R1 connection Cout trace .
step2 : R1 connection to remote part(Co).


  • This way could be implemented, but need to pay more attention about the two sense line, route them in quite layer with Diff line, and away from noise.

    Also recommend to reserve two options with 0ohm resistors for both local sense and remote sense.
