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TPS54350: Behavior under R1 Short or Open

Part Number: TPS54350

Dear, Sir.

My customer is considering to apply TPS54350 for their system.

Now, they are asking as following;

What kind of behavior would be indicated when the upper side(R1) was

short or open on feedback resistor divider?

Sorry to ask this kind of matter, but hoping to get your advice at this time.

Best Regards,

H. Sakai

  • Hi Sakai-san,

    In general below is what can be expected when the upper FB (VSENSE) resistor is shorted with any DC/DC converter.

    SHORT: VOUT connected to VSENSE so part will regulate VOUT to the internal reference voltage

    OPEN: VSENSE shorted to ground through the bottom VSENSE resistor. The VSENSE voltage will always be below the internal reference. In response the control loop will operate at max duty cycle to try to bring the output voltage up. The output voltage will come up to near the input voltage.