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Hi experts,
Our design want to use UVLO function of LM5145. So, Ruv1 is 232K and Ruv2 is 9.1K in our design. At first, LM5145 work normally. After a while, LM5145 can not work beacuse the EN/UVLO is pulled below 1.2V by LM5145. Do you know why?
Best Regards
Li Yishan
Hi Yihan,
Can you share the schematic so that we can take a look at the issue?
Hi, Gavin:
If I remove the Ruv2 and Ruv1 is 100ohm, there is no problem. If I change Ruv1 is 100K ohm, some boards work normally and some boards still can not work.
Best regards
Li Yishan
Hi Yishan,
Please describe the problem in detail. Vin=? Io=? Please upload the waveforms.
Hi Yishan,
Can't understand your waveform. What is the time period for your shown waveform? If you connected as you schematic, EN/EVLO pin voltage should be fixed. Why does it have a jump?
Hi, Gavin:
I also do not understand the waveform and think the EN/UVLO pin voltage should be fixed. But the waveform is true, the time scale is 100ms. LM5145 do not work because the voltage is jumped and below 1.2V. Do you know where the problem is?
Best Regards
Li Yishan
Hi Yishan,
I think you can double check . Put measure the waveform of Vin pin and EN pin voltage together. Put the two in one page.
Best Regards
Hi Gavin:
We checked this again and again. There are several LM5145 modules in our product. At first, all of them worked normally. After a while, some of them did not work and and found the voltage was pulled low at En Pin. In fact, we think there is a prolem for LM5145 uvlo function. We can not explain it except LM5145 uvlo function is wrong. Now, en pin is tied to vin to make LM5145 work normally.
By the way, we used the LM5145 modules at past and did not find the above problem. This is not a new design for us.
Best Regards
Li Yishan
You can use the quick starter excel in to calculate EN resistor to see any changes.