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LM317L: Constant Voltage and Constant current charging of battery using LM317L

Part Number: LM317L
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM317


we are having a 2000mAh battery and are planning to charge the battery using LM317L @100mA with output voltage of 11V. Input voltage of LM317L is 12V. I would like to know how can i achieve the 100mA charging of the battery. What would be the circuit implementation to charge the battery @100mA constant current with 11V output voltage.Please advice.Kindly share any reference design/schematics if any available for this implementation.

  • Hi Vishal,

    Battery charging circuits can be complex, and depend on the chemistry of the battery you are charging.

    For example, a lithium ion battery will want constant current until a voltage threshold is met, then a constant voltage applied to the battery.

    This will not be the same as a NiCd battery, etc.

    If you need to operate the LM317 as a current source, please see section 8.1.1 in the datasheet (copied below).

    Beyond this, there is a host of battery charging reference designs located here:


    - Stephen