My customer chosen BQ25601 for their new project, and they has started evalluating
their PCB.
Q1 POR time
When VBUS rises above VVBUS_UVLOZ or BAT rises above VBAT_UVLOZ ,
how much time is necessary between "VBUS rise above VVBUS_UVLP" ,
and "I2C interface is ready for communicaiton " ?
My customer says approx 300ms ? wait time for i2c communication
should be necessary after Power on in their PCB.
But I don't know whether it is correct or not.
Furthermore, we don't know wheter it varies depend on VBUS slew rate or temperature or any other condition ... Or, it doesn not vary ( POR time is stable).
Would you please advise above?
Q2 I2C state under POR
Customer says SCL=High during POR, but is it correct?
Q3 INT pin
How can customer detect POR- finish? Using INT pin?
I had attached customer's schematic.
According to customer , Icc of MCU is small( 1~2 mA) and sink current from REGN LDO shoould be
Thank you for your support.
Best Regards
Best Regards