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TPS65140-Q1: Require about bad low output of V03 of TPS65140

Part Number: TPS65140-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65140, TPS65141

Hi, I am Hwadong Song of TOVIS

As I wroted in title, our tps65140 power circuit doesn't work well.

Specifically, the output is too low(0V or 7V). So could you check whether

thers is a error or not in the below schematic of our power circuit.
( For your reference, when I test this circuit, I apply no load in all
  output and just checked voltage with multumeter and V01-AVDD
 , V02-VGL was good, but V03 was bad low output )


  • Hi Hwadong,

    Thanks for your question. Let me contact the expert for this part. You can expect a response by 2/14/20.



  • Hi Hwadong,

    I had replied earlier to a very similar thread from you couple of days ago. It appears that this is same question again so I am copying my earlier response below.

    I reviewed your schematics and it appears that your AVDD supply is at ~10.8V and VGH supply is designed for ~16.2V. This level for VGH can be achieved by positive charge pump doubler mode instead of the trippler mode you are using. So I suggest to remove C22 and connect C2-/MODE pin 15 to GND so that charge pump operates in the doubler mode.

    One more recommendation is to connect ENR pin 23 to GND since you are not using the linear regulator controller.

    Also, I wanted to ask are you using TPS65140 or TPS65141? Because if you are using TPS65140 and VO3 is at 0V (or 7V), this device is supposed to shutdown all output rails if any of the rails are not in regulation.

    I believe connecting C2-/Mode pin to GND will resolve your issue.

    Kind Regards,


  • Thank you for your advice. I modified the circuit as you mentioned and It works appropriately!

    I really appreciate you and your company's support. Thanks~


    Hwadong Song