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TPS62163: TPS62163

Part Number: TPS62163
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62162

I am trying to use a TPS62163 Input voltage 12V output 5.0V 200mA, I found the circuit works OK with an input voltage of around 7 Volts, if I increase to 12v the chip fails (overheat, and smoke come out).

The inductor 3.3uHy, input and output capacitors 10uF.

I had similar problem with the 3.3V TPS62162, my solution at the time was to replace with a part of a different manufacturer, but I like the simplicity of the circuit of this chip.

I will appreciate any help or ideas why is happening.

Attached is the schematic and layout of the board. (the bottom GND plane is not visible).

  • Jose,

    TPS62163 is capable of 100% duty cycle operation, so input voltage of 7 V should not be a problem.  There is one item that may be an issue. L504 is a physical inductor.  It may cause ringing on your input with excessive ripple on the input.  Can you try replacing it with a 0 ohm resistor or bus wire?  Alternately you can use 100 uF electrolytic capacitor between L504 and C511 too damp out any resonance.  Let me know if that works for you.

  • John:

    Than you for your response, I modified the layout of the PCB (moved around the capacitors, and connect GND chip pins using the fill), I tried your suggestion, but still unreliable, I will let you know when the new PCB arrive.

