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TPS650860EVM-116: Difference between TPS650860 and TPS650864

Part Number: TPS650860EVM-116
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS650864, TPS65086, TPS650861, BOOSTXL-TPS650861,


I'm not really clear on the differences between these two devices. It looks like they share an EVM, but the EVM uses TPS650860. Are there any features/characteristics of the TPS650864 that are missing?

My customer wants to evaluate all flavors of the TPS650864x family, is there a way to do that on this EVM?



  • Hi Michael,

    TPS65086, TPS650861, and TPS650864 are all the same core silicon. The only differences are the default settings stored in the non-volatile memory (NVM). There aren't any settings that would be available on one family but not on the others.

    The TPS65086 family, consisting of just the TPS650860A0RSK#, was released as a generic pre-programmed part to showcase what an example NVM could have and allow customers to use the EVM to test various performance metrics. The NVM settings are outlined in

    TPS650864 family was released later and includes 4 separate NVM settings for various Xilinx families. It was split form the TPS65086 because all the NVM settings were intended for Xilinx specifically.

    The TPS650861 family was released last and is the user programmable version where the non-trim NVM is blank to begin with so that customers can program the desired voltages, sequence, GPO settings, etc. as desired.

    All 3 families can be soldered down to the TPS650860EVM-116 or used in the BOOSTXL-TPS650861 socket board, though some of the default settings may result in changes to the board configurations (for example BUCK1 feedback will change if using TPS6508641 vs. TPS650860).

    Let us know if you have any questions.