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TLV62065-Q1: Difference between TLV62065 and TLV62065-Q1

Part Number: TLV62065-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62065,

Hi Sir,

Customer is asking the difference between TLV62065 and TLV62065-Q1?

It is clear that the biggest difference is automotive grade and thermal performance, but they would like to know:

1. Is there any difference on the production flow?

2. Is there any difference on the reliability?

3. Is there any difference on the fail return?

4. Is there any difference on the lifetime?

5. Is there any other benefit to use Q-grade compare to none-Q-grade?

Many thanks,


  • Hi Patrick,

    Yes, the major difference between TLV62065 and TLV62065-Q1 devices is that the automotive device Q version is qualified for AEC Q-100 standards and have different production flow. Other differences are ESD and thermal characteristics that are defined in the datasheet. The device selection depends on the application requirements.

    Best regards,
