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TPIC71004-Q1: I cannot configure Counter set of Registers (ZCNT and TOCNT)

Part Number: TPIC71004-Q1

HEllo, I'm trying to configure this IC following the DAta Sheet instructions:

So at first I assert the TZ0 and IWD lines

Then I Move the FSM to IM1  (STATUS register) 

Then I configure the DAC (Firing configuration)

Then I try to set ZCNT and TO CNT registers

When I read back all the set of TPIC registers I see that the STATUS and DAC are properly written to my desired values but the counters are all set to their default values:

STATUS = 0x40

DAC = 0x10

ZCNT[0:3] = 0x0A

          TOCNT[0:3] = 0xBB

Finally when I setup the Firing sequence I see the counters to go down, ZCNT arrives to zero, so my guess is that the READ works properly and the issue is that OI cannot write such registers.

Am I missing some step in the configuration sequence? 

why the TPIC does not let me to change the default values?