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BQ21061EVM: Which are the registers need to be set for the charging process

Part Number: BQ21061EVM


Which are the registers need to be set for the charging process?

So I have set:

VBAT_CTRL to 4.2V -> 3C

ICHG_CTRL to 500mA ->3C, also tried with lower 150mA

PCHG_CTRL to 50mA-> 94

TERMCTRL to 20% ->28

ILIMCTRL to 600mA -> 07

Charge current step is set 2.5 mA

Disabled TS register CHARGECTRL0

TS control mode(HOT/COLD only)

All other registers I have set to default state.

Battery is samsung 2850mAh(inr18650-29e)

The following is happening:

STAT0 register changes every 10 seconds the bit  CHRG_CV_STAT set active than in 10 seconds  CHARGE_DONE_STAT is set to active. If I put out the battery from the charger and measure the voltage its always 3.6 V.

And can I charge over 500mA with this device?


  • Hello,

    The maximum charge current is 500mA.

    STAT0 register changes every 10 seconds the bit  CHRG_CV_STAT set active than in 10 seconds  CHARGE_DONE_STAT is set to active.

    If this happens, it's because the battery is not connected to the battery pin. The capacitor on the battery pin is just getting charged and discharged.

  • Thanks,

    I have changed the battery 50mAh and changed the charge current to 50mA. And it seems to work charging finished.

    Than I tried another battery I think its about 200mAh/1C so I changed the charge current to 200mA.

    Its charging over 6 hours and yet not finished.

    What could be the reason?

    Can I set the charging current to be always 500mA, or must it be the exact charging current that depends on the battery?

  • The charge time should roughly be an hour with 200mA charging a 200mAh battery.

    Is the battery actually being charged? What is the TS voltage?

  • I think I solved the issue, but I m not sure.

    I think the problem was I didn't read the registers to clear the flags, I think something disabled the charging or the wd timer reset the device. I m not sure.

    I m expecting a battery that will be used on my device , than I will test again.


  • Yes, The flags are not cleared until read.