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TPSM82810: Initial assessment of switcher for PTE application

Part Number: TPSM82810
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM82813, TPS82085, , TPSM82822


Are there any photos of TPSM82810 and TPSM82813?

I realise that this is a strange question, but we design for Pressure Tolerance Electronics (PTE) and would like to assess the likelihood that these modules will survive in our application.

We really like the TPS82085 because it is not overmoulded. The inductor is sitting on top of the chip, and it looks like a ferrite which has a better chance of surviving pressure.
However, TPSM82810 and TPSM82813 are better suited to our application so unless we see some obvious reason in photos for why they would not be suitable, then TPS82085 isn't worth testing at this point.

Photos of TPSM82810 or TPSM82813 would go a long way towards helping us analyse them before ordering samples for testing.

Kind regards,