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BQ27426EVM-738: Error RUP_DIS / RDIS: not clear

Part Number: BQ27426EVM-738
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: GPCCHEM, BQSTUDIO, BQ25155

Hey all,

i got today this failure during learning cycle. Error RUP_DIS / RDIS: not clear !7673.log_19.06.log

I already did the gpcchem and the batterycode 1325 was suggested.

Please see at attachment log files and export file of data memory.



  • Hello Sebastian,

    Can you provide the log of the whole learning cycle? It looks like the log is just of the end of discharge. Could you also export the .gg file so we can see your settings?

    Also the gauge should come with pre-programmed chemistries that you select based on your battery.


    Wyatt Keller

  • Hi Wyatt,

    unfortunately, after the relaxing time of discharge, the learning cycle was interrupted.Therefore I have already sent you the complete learning cycle.

    Please see the gg.file.

    According to the data sheet the gauge offers only three pre-programmed chemicals. However, if you find some older conversations on the ti forum- power management about me and this gauge, the gpcchem with internal chemistry is suggested. By the way, the learning cycle with pre-programmed chemistry has also been aborted so far.

    Regards, Sebastian

  • Hi Sebastian,
    Can you share with us the GPC report you received?
    Also, I would suggest you redo the learning cycle and share with us a continuous bqStudio log file?
  • Hi Andy,

    please see GPC report.

    Regarding the learning cycle. Today i did try a new one. Unfortunately, the learning cycle didn't recognonize the FC bit althoug the gauge did set the FC bit. So cause of this i can share only the half log file. But I noticed that the VOK bit was not set at the beginning of the charge cycle. Could that be the reason?

    Also the RDIS bit wasn't clear during relaxing time.

    I will try a new cycle.





    Chemistry ID selection tool, rev=2.49		
    Configuration used in present fit:		
    ProcessingType= 2		
    NumCellSeries= 1		
    ElapsedTimeColumn= 0		
    VoltageColumn= 2		
    CurrentColumn= 3		
    TemperatureColumn= 1		
    Best chemical ID : 1325	Best chemical ID max. deviation, % : 2.27	
    Summary of all IDs with max. DOD deviation below 3%		
    Chem ID	max DOD error, %	Max R deviation, ratio
    1325	2.27	0.56
    1323	2.46	0.35
    2087	2.8	1.09
    269	2.88	0.31
    201	2.89	1.1
    Max. deviations for best ID is within recommended range. Chosen best chemical ID is suitable for programming the gauge.		
    Selection of best generic ID for ROM based devices like bq274xx		
    Device / Family #1		
    Generic Chem ID	Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry	max DOD error, %
    354	bq27411-G1C: 4.35V LiCoO2	17.39
    128	bq27421-G1A: 4.2V LiCoO2	105.86
    312	bq27421-G1B: 4.3V LiCoO2	115.38
    3142	bq27421-G1D: 4.4V LiCoO2	126.74
    Best generic ID 354		
    Warning: Generic ID Deviation is so high that it is most likely due to anomaly in the data. Please check that data files have recomended format, units and test schedule		
    Device / Family #2		
    Generic Chem ID	Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry	max DOD error, %
    354	bq27621:  (ALT_CHEM2) 4.35V LiCoO2	17.39
    1202	bq27621: (default) 4.2V LiCoO2	104.24
    1210	bq27621:  (ALT_CHEM1) 4.3V LiCoO2	113.35
    Best generic ID 354		
    Warning: Generic ID Deviation is so high that it is most likely due to anomaly in the data. Please check that data files have recomended format, units and test schedule		
    Device / Family #3		
    Generic Chem ID	Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry	max DOD error, %
    1202	bq27426: (ALT_CHEM1) 4.2V LiCoO2	104.24
    3230	bq27426: (default) 4.35V LiCoO2	120.77
    3142	bq27426: (ALT-CHEM2) 4.4V LiCoO2	126.74
    Best generic ID 1202		
    Warning: Generic ID Deviation is so high that it is most likely due to anomaly in the data. Please check that data files have recomended format, units and test schedule		
           0	0		
    Warning: current in A detected	 divider changed to 1		
    Warning: Discharge rate is too high. High rate reduces ID detection accuracy	 10 hr rate is recomeended. Total discharge time is less than 5 hrs	 t_hrs=  3.0137075	0

  • Hello Sebastian,

    Post the log files of the full learning cycle when it's done here and we'll take a look.

    The RDIS flag should be set only during the initial discharge cycle before the learning cycles, so it should be clear during your learning cycles.

    This app note might help with what bits should be triggered during a learning cycle:


    Wyatt Keller

  • Hi Wyatt,

    the last few days i have tryed the learning cycle several times but i couldn't complete it sucessfully.

    There was the same problem that i already reported to you. Although the BIT FC was set, the learning cycle didn't recgonize it.

    The charger BQ25155 that i'm unsing was also finished with charging.

    What could be the problem?

    Please see the logs.


  • Hello Sebastian,

    Have you updated the .gg file you have posted before? I saw the design capacity is set to 20mAh, if this is your battery capacity the gauge will have a hard time gauging this capacity, the gauge is specified for the lowest capacity of 100mAh.

    I see RUP_DIS isn't being cleared like you sated before, it looks like it isn't clearing at the correct times. You may need to wait longer to stabilize the voltage.


    Wyatt Keller

  • Hi Wyatt,

    you're right. The design capacity of the battery that im using amounts 20 mAh. I'm a little bit confused, that the gauge will min. perform batteries with 100mAh, because according to TRM (p.49) i can choose a min capaciy of 0 mAh.

    So what is your suggestion? Is there other gauge that i can use?


    Because i do the manual learning cycle, a maximum relax time of 6 hours is given. So how can i wait longer, without cancelling the cycle?

    Is there a link between problems?


  • Hello Sebastian,

    Take a look at the app note in the product page for scaling the current, it may help with the learning cycle process and your application:

    The parameter is able to go to 0mAh, but the gauge will not be able to take accurate measurements when such small charge currents are used.


    Wyatt Keller