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LP8555: can the BOOST of LP8555 BOOST operate in DCM mode ?

Part Number: LP8555

The LP8555 datasheet recommends an inductance between 4,7uH and 6,3uH with 3,1A for most application. However in my application with  L=4,7uH, i found a ratio between inductance peak to peak ripple current and mean inductance current of ΔiL(PP)/iL ≃ 240%.  With this value the LP8555 must operate in DCM mode? do I have to increase the inductance value to operate in CCM mode?  


I’m using LP8555 for driving 2 string of 6 LEDS connected to bank A boost and 2 strings of 4 LEDs connected to bank B boost.

ILED max= 60mA (I connect two channels in parralel  to reach 60 mA) 

L=4,7uH,  f=1Mhz

VIN=4.2V - 5.5V   Vf(Schottky diode)=0,5V

VOUT1(max)=Vf_LED*(nb LED) =2,39*6=14,36V  Iout1 (max) = 120 mA (BOOST bank A)    60mA/string LED

 VOUT2(max)=Vf_LED*(nb LED)=2,39*6= 9,56V  Iout2 (max) = 120 mA (BOOST bank B)