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BQ77905: Implementing Load Detect using High-Side Protection

Part Number: BQ77905


I have designed a basic schematic to use the BQ77905 parts in a high-side battery protection setup.  Load Detection is only desired for use with Current Faults, I do not see an obvious method for LD implementation at this point.  Below is the schematic for the high-side FETs, the LD pin is simply tied to -PACK via a 453K resistor.  Suggestions would be appreciated!

Thanks- Tom


  • Hi Tom,

    You are correct, to enable load detect you simply need to tie the LD pin to PACK-. However, we recommend a resistor between the values of 160kOhm and 375kOhm.

  • Hi Shawn:

    So the LD function will work properly with High-Side protection just by using a lower value LD resistor, from 160k Ohm to 375k Ohm ?


  • Hi Tom,

    Apologies, after thinking about it some more I do see the faults. I found this untested, hypothetical configuration of how it would work. 

  • Hi Shawn:

    I appreciate the possible circuit remedy, I will investigate further.


  • Hi Shawn:

    I`ve experimented with the concept circuit you displayed above.  It seems to work with the components shown below.  Please review what I have and let me know if you see any problems with my selections... I am open to all suggestions. Thanks- Tom

    Here are the readings on the operational circuit:



    No Fault Over Current Fault
    to LD Pin 0.015V 3.85V
    Q101 - S - pin 1 (Batt+) 11.81V 11.92V
    Q101 - G - pin 2 8.38V 1.68V
    Q101 - D - pin 3 0.01V 11.91V
    Diode D101 at 100K R103 11.19V 1.36V
    100K R103 at Zener Z101 11.28V 1.07V
    PACK+ 11.80V 0.00V


  • Hi Tom,

    Per the datasheet, we recommend and Rld (R102 in your circuit)  between the values of 160kOhm and 375kOhm. Other than that, I have no other comments at this time.

  • Hi Shawn:

    Thanks for commenting...
    I`ve researched the datasheet for the value suggested for RLD and found these:

    On page 9 (shows typical range of RLD_INT value) :
    RLD(INT) LD input resistance when enabled Measured to VSS 160 250 375 kΩ

    On page 34 (Figure 26 & Table 9):
    RLD LD resistor for load removal detection 450 KΩ ±5%

    I did not find any other suggested values for RLD and hence used the 450K as a starting point.  The value you suggest reads to be the RLD internal value of the BQ77905xx chips.  Am I correct?

    I would like to leave this topic open for a little while for additional comments.


  • Hi Tom,

    Apologies, you are correct. The 450kOhm value mentioned on page 34 is correct. 

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