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Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools
I have attached the TI webench result for the LM5145 Switcher. In that when I am changing the input voltage range to 40-60V, M1 and M2 junction temperature are within range. But when i changed to 10-60V M1 Tj 121.649 degC and M2 Tj 194.038 degC, M2 range is above the maximum junction temperature. Please advise whether we can proceed further.
Thanks and Regards,
Ashwin S
Hi Ashwin,
Sorry for the late!
The M2 has 11mohm RDS(on), it may increase to 20 m ohm at high temp 150C,
the conduction loss Pd is 20m*12*12=2.88W at 60Vin, the switching loss M2pdsw is only 0.21W per Webench simulation
So you need use MOSFET with even lower RDS(on) <6mohm for M2.
You can check the MOSFET P/N used by Webench for input 40V--60V to output 3.3V/12A, and use same one for 10V--60V input conversion.