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UCC28513: PSPICE for SEPIC design?

Part Number: UCC28513

I am considering the use of the UCC28513 due to the success one of my colleagues has had with it. However, I'm considering using the PFC in a SEPIC configuration as that naturally solves an inrush issue I have to deal with. Certainly there are more trade-offs when going from boost to SEPIC, but I was hoping to get a feel for how the controller would act in this configuration. SEPIC is notoriously difficult to hand-calculate the power train's gain/phase and modelling tends to be the most efficient way to find this / design for stability.

All that to say, any chance there is a PSPICE model for this part or perhaps something that is very similar?

  • Hello Joshua,

    Thank you for your interest in the UCC28513 PFC/PWM controller.

    Unfortunately, this device and the rest of its product family, currently does not have any model available.
    I looked for similar PFC controllers and none of them had models either, PSpice or otherwise.

    Perhaps you may find something through a general web search.
